Monday, September 28, 2009

Gallery Visits on 9/25

Enoc Perez
I absolutely loved his work. I am really interested in architecture and his images were intriguing. The work is even more satisfying up close when you realize that he has used paper and paint so effortlessly together. Mixed media here helps flattens things. The conceptual idea of painting this perfect futuristic building that may never be makes me question my own ideas. I have been painting a house that I grew up in from memory, which is past, and to see his buildings from the future presents a contradiction.

Juergen Teller: Paradis
This was a photography show with a series of photographs of these two women in Musee du Louvre. Why the Louvre? The images were quite large and were arranged so it seemed like you were strolling along with the subjects, these two women, as they visit the Louvre. Although when I read the press release it was more clear why they were at the Louvre. According to the press release this was an inmate study of the nude between the photographer and the subject. I dont know if thats what I understood from the work.

James Turrell
A James Turrell work has to be seen in person! The show was extensive. There was a lot of work, however it was not overwhelming. I felt that the gallery had a lot of space which allowed the viewer to be able to view each piece by itself without being distracted by the piece next to us. The work asked that you move around, walk close, walk away. I enjoyed it.

Bucket of Blood

Bucket of Blood was quite an entertaining movie. The one theme that this movie had was this need of recognition and acceptance of his work. His work becomes so important because it allows him to finally become part of this group. He starts killing people in order to remain in that spotlight as an artist.
Art for art sake, or art for exhibition only?
Another aspect is that struggle or desire to create something. At the start of the movie we see the character's struggle of trying to create a face.
Apart from the absurdity and comedy, the movie does have underlying themes of art and artist's lives.

The New Museum Show

Dorothy Iannone: The variety of mediums that she worked in was interesting. Looking at the genitals of the female figure somehow reminded me of Henry Darger's little girls. Her treatment of the figures and their placement make them appear iconic.

Emory Douglas: I found the information about the Black Panther party very helpful in understanding the work. The mural at the entrance is gives a good introduction to the rest of the show. The newspaper collections gave a good idea of why the work was created, and for whom.

David Goldblatt: I found his new works to be quite entertaining. The installation was such so that you had a image of a desert, somewhat near an image of a garden. The juxtaposition of the old and new was interesting. The images of Dr. Paul's clinic were quite humorous.

Alex Bag Video

The things that the character spoke about are only funny because we hear or even sometimes say the same things that she says. The bunny video is beyond my understanding. Hello Kitty and McDonald video a little better. To see the progression of time and to hear how the character's interest change from the time she started school is interesting.