Thursday, October 15, 2009

Odili Donald Odita "UP AND AWAY"

Odili Donald Odita has recently done a permanent mural for a gallery in Butler College in Princeton University. On October 9th there was a reception and an artist lecture by the artist himself explaining his work. I personally loved his work.
The mural started as you entered this building. The mural walked along with you as you went down the stairs.
This link will take you to images of the work. I would post them up but am quite unsuccesful in doing so.
I wasnt aware of his work before going into the lecture however I went in early to just walk around the mural and experience it. As abstract as the mural was with only colors of stripes going diagnoal, vertical and horizontal... it was clear. I understood that he had created this mural in a response to all that was around. Each wall had its own set of colors and it responded to what was being reflected through the windows.. or what was right across from the wall. The colors responded not only to the confined space of the architecture but you could see how the trees on the outside had something to do with the green on the wall.
On listening to his lecture I realized that his work was absolutely doing what he was intended it to do. He wanted to open up a space with his mural. Colors can be overwhelming and close a space in such compact space as the stairs, however his mural was successful in opening up the space. The work was executed in a pristine manner. His work took in consideration of the space that he was painting in and what its function is. Butler College is a place for students and he wanted to have a positive work. The elevator wall is where his work ends and that is where he got the idea for his tittle "Up and Away". Which works because right next to the elevator wall is the largest part of the mural of vertical stripes of different colors that do make you look up and down. The intensity of his patterns also change on each wall in response to what the architecture demands. After hearing him out it was pretty clear that his work gets his point across... and that sounds great to me!

1 comment:

  1. Good that you went to the lecture, and a good description of the piece.
